Saturday, March 12, 2011

Super 8

Information about the highly anticipated summer blockbuster Super 8 has been mostly speculative - until now. Paramount Pictures released the film's official plot synopsis and (more importantly) the first full-length trailer via Twitter this past week.

The rumors that Super 8 is an homage to Steven Spielberg (co-producer of the project) and his sci-fi flicks from the 70's are proven true with this trailer. The MTV Movies Team breaks the elements down best in their trailer analysis.

Director J.J. Abrams, famous for creating and producing TV shows such as "Alias" and "Lost," first spoke about the movie to the press in early February with LA Times Hero Complex blogger Geoff Boucher and revealed a very interesting fact about Super 8's conception:

"The movie began as two projects that ended up merging due to their individual deficiencies. The first was a non-fantastical tale of youngsters and the way they see the world and each other through the viewfinder of their Super 8 camera. Abrams took the vague notion to Spielberg and they decided to investigate further but a string of meetings with top writers in town ended with a lot of shrugs and consternation. Abrams said 'there was not much there and it was frustrating because it would not go away in my head. … I couldn’t tell you what the story was. I knew characters, I knew situations, I knew there were issues of class and a love story at the core and that it would be a coming-of-age movie. A lot of the writers were lukewarm.'

Paramount, meanwhile, had bought a separate idea by Abrams for a spooky film about the 1970s scrutiny of Area 51 and how anxious government officials decided the best way to protect the classified possessions of the increasingly notorious military base was to ship them off to other sites aboard midnight trains — one of which never reaches its final destination. With this project, Abrams had 'a pretty cool premise but no characters to speak of … so I was in possession of two halves and it occurred to me after six months or so to put them together.'"

Super 8 will open in theaters and IMAX on June 10.

1 comment:

  1. That’s Hollywood for you, combining ideas and the director making them their own a la JJ Abrams. The trailer to “Super 8” looks awesome. It got me excited, can’t wait. JJ Abrams is a genius at taking old material and fads like the Area 51 craze of the 70s and “Star Trek” and turning them into interesting subject matter like the plot for “Super 8.” Plus, Spielberg early life and his first film when he was 16 years old “Firelight” weaving their way into “Super 8’s” plot is an added bonus! I personally enjoyed “Star Trek” and that’s because I’m NOT a “trekky,” in fact I never really liked the series UNTIL I saw the film which was entertaining, the writing was great. It even got Oscar buzz for it’s writing and was on the short list. I foresee good things for "Super 8."
